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10 Best Digital Marketing Projects in 2024

Are you a budding digital marketer with a fervent desire to refine your skills and make a significant impact in the world of online marketing? If you feel that completing a certificate course in digital marketing is all you need to start a promising career, you might be mistaken.

Yes, a certificate course or a degree in digital marketing could be a great way to expand your knowledge in the most trending field today, but it doesn’t end there. Working on great digital marketing projects is really necessary to get good clients, better work, and superior skills. 

So, what are digital marketing projects? How will you create a digital marketing project? What are some of the best digital marketing projects for you? If you’re looking for answers to all these questions, we’re here to help you. We have compiled a list of the top projects in the digital marketing domain that are instrumental in transforming your skills into real work. Let’s get started: 

Top Digital Marketing Projects

Digital Marketing Projects

Imagine having theoretical knowledge about digital marketing concepts but not knowing how to translate that knowledge into actionable strategies. This is where hands-on projects come into play. Digital marketing projects serve as a bridge between theory and practical application, providing you with the opportunity to test your skills, experiment with different approaches, and witness the outcomes firsthand. They also get you ready for the real-world job and its challenges while giving you a chance to hone and show off your skills in an impressive portfolio. 

Read on to find out how to work on such great digital marketing projects, what skills you will gain while working on those projects, and how building those projects will help you. 

Following are some beginner-friendly Digital Marketing Project ideas:

Table of contents

  1. Project 1: Detailed SEO Audit of a Website
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Do the “Detailed SEO Analysis of a Website” Project
  2. Project 2: Content Marketing Project
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  3. Project 3: Google Analytics Project
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  4. Project 4: Youtube Analytics Project
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  5. Project 5: Social Media Ad Campaigns
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  6. Project 6: PPC Marketing Strategies
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  7. Project 7: Email Campaign
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  8. Project 8: Remarketing Campaign
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  9. Project 9: Video Marketing Campaign
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  10. Project 10: All-Round Marketing Campaign for a Demo Product
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
    • Why Are Hands-on Projects Essential for Learning Digital Marketing?
    • How to Choose the Right Project as per skill level?
    • What is analytics important for Digital Marketing Projects?
    • What are some of the best digital marketing projects?

Project 1: Detailed SEO Audit of a Website

SEO Audit of a Website

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a big part of digital marketing. Blogs and websites are the biggest sources of organic traffic and marketing. SEO allows digital marketers to optimize the website to make it more appealing and inviting for potential or existing customers. 

With this project, you will get a chance to utilize and execute your SEO skills through an in-depth SEO analysis. You’ll take a comprehensive approach to analyzing a website’s performance, identifying optimization opportunities, and enhancing its visibility on search engines. Thus, working on an overall SEO strategy for the website.

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Keyword Research and Analysis for the niche/product/business

b. On-page SEO skills like optimizing meta tags, headings, internal linking, and content. 

c. Off-page SEO skills like backlinks, branded search, etc.

d. Technical SEO skills like URL, page speed, indexing, canonicals, UI/UX, Code issues, etc.

e. SEO tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and keyword research tools.

How to Do the “Detailed SEO Analysis of a Website” Project

  1. Choose a Website for Analysis: Select a website that aligns with your interests or industry.
  2. Conduct Comprehensive Keyword Research: Find relevant keywords and phrases for your target audience and identify keyword gaps in your website. 
  3. Evaluate On-Page Elements: Scrutinize the website’s title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and content for optimization opportunities.
  4. Analyze Backlink Profile and Domain Authority: Examine the website’s backlinks for quality and relevance. Evaluate its domain authority to understand its search engine credibility.
  5. Identify Technical SEO Issues: Scan the website for technical issues like broken links, page speed, crawl errors, and mobile responsiveness.
  6. Create an Actionable SEO Improvement Plan: Outline a clear plan to improve the website’s SEO performance based on your analysis.
  7. Implement On-Page Optimizations: Apply the changes you’ve recommended, such as optimizing meta tags and incorporating relevant keywords.
  8. Build Quality Backlinks: Reach out to authoritative websites for potential backlink opportunities that can enhance the website’s authority.
  9. Monitor Search Engine Rankings: Track the website’s position in search engine results pages through Google Search Console for target keywords.
  10. Measure and Showcase Improvements: Use SEO performance metrics to showcase the improvements you’ve made, such as increased organic traffic and higher search engine rankings.

Project 2: Content Marketing Project

Content Marketing Project

Content is king. Digital marketers tend to swear by the phrase because marketing is based on the content presented. Content will ensure you target the right audience. It would make the ads, emails, blogs, social media posts, and landing pages compelling and worth paying attention to. Thus, content marketing is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing.

Building a content marketing project will help you understand the process of building a stronger brand presence, nurturing customer relationships, and driving valuable interactions within your target audience with the help of the right content strategy.

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Content Strategy Development aligning with the audience’s needs and business objectives.

b. Content Creation and Curation for relevant, valuable, and engaging content for various platforms.

c. Audience Engagement and Relationship Building to foster meaningful connections with your audience through content.

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Define Your Content Marketing Objectives: Clarify the goals of your content marketing campaign, whether it’s brand awareness, thought leadership, lead generation, or customer retention.
  2. Identify Your Target Audience: Research and define your target audience’s demographics, preferences, pain points, and online behavior to tailor your content effectively.
  3. Develop a Content Calendar: Create a well-structured content calendar that outlines the topics, formats, and publishing dates for your content pieces.
  4. Craft High-Quality, Value-Driven Content: Create compelling and informative content that addresses your audience’s needs and provides value, whether it’s blog posts, infographics, videos, or podcasts.
  5. Leverage Different Content Channels: Distribute your content across various channels, including your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and industry forums.
  6. Promote Audience Engagement: Encourage audience engagement by including interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and comment sections to spark conversations.
  7. Monitor Content Performance Metrics: Track key metrics such as page views, social shares, comments, and time spent on the page to gauge content effectiveness.
  8. Analyze Audience Feedback and Behavior: Listen to your audience’s feedback, analyze their interactions, and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
  9. Optimize and Iterate: Continuously refine your content strategy based on insights from data analysis, aiming to improve engagement and conversions.

Also read: Importance of business analytics in digital marketing

Project 3: Google Analytics Project

Google Analytics Project

Analytics is one of the most crucial aspects of digital marketing. Mastering Google Analytics is extremely important for any digital marketer. Building a Google Analytics project will immerse you in the world of web analytics, allowing you to track, analyze, and draw insights from website traffic data. 

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Data Analysis and interpretation to gain user insights

b. Reporting and Visualization to convey insights effectively.

c. Conversion Tracking: Understand the process of setting up and tracking conversions to measure the success of your marketing efforts.

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Sign Up for Google Analytics: Create a new Google Analytics account or sign up using your Google account. Learn about setting up a Google Analytics account here.
  2. Create a Property: Under property, put the name of the app and website, set the reporting time zone, choose the type of property (mobile/web), enter the details, configure settings, and hit create. 
  3. Get tracking code: Once you get the tracking ID/code (a JavaScript code), follow the instructions to add it to your property’s code to start collecting data. Once embedded, verify if it’s working. 
  4. Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify the metrics that matter most to your website’s goals, such as sessions, bounce rate, conversion rate, and more.
  5. Create Custom Dashboards and Reports: Design personalized dashboards that display the metrics you want to monitor regularly.
  6. Analyze User Behavior and Flow: Dive into user flow data to understand how visitors navigate through your website.
  7. Implement Conversion Tracking: Set up goals or e-commerce tracking to measure specific user actions, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
  8. Identify Top-Performing Pages and Traffic Sources: Understand which pages attract the most traffic and which sources drive visitors to your site.
  9. Monitor and Analyze Audience Demographics and Interests: Explore the demographic information and interests of your audience to refine your targeting strategies.
  10. Use Insights to Optimize Content and User Experience: Leverage the data to optimize your website’s content and user experience.
  11. Present Findings to Demonstrate Improvements: Create visually appealing reports that showcase the impact of your efforts on key metrics.

Project 4: Youtube Analytics Project

Youtube Analytics Project

YouTube has become a major lead-generating space for digital marketers with its low cost per lead and efficacy. This has led to many businesses looking for talented individuals to scale their YouTube accounts and drive more engagement. 

The YouTube Analytics project will help you gain useful insights into the world of video marketing. You’ll delve into YouTube analytics to gain insights that will help you optimize your video content and engagement strategies. Doing this project will help you prepare for video marketing while getting your portfolio ready to handle various marketing channels with ease. 

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Building Video Marketing Strategy that resonates with your target audience.

b. Audience Engagement Analysis through engagement metrics like views, likes, comments, and shares.

c. YouTube SEO including optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags.

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Select a YouTube Channel for Analysis: Choose a YouTube channel that aligns with your interests or industry.
  2. Analyze Video Performance Metrics: Dive into metrics like views, likes, comments, and shares to understand which videos resonate with your audience.
  3. Identify Peak Engagement Times: Determine the times when your audience is most active and engaged on the platform.
  4. Evaluate Audience Demographics and Preferences: Explore audience demographics and interests to tailor your video content effectively.
  5. Compare Video Performance Against Competitors: Research and compare your video performance with that of competitors in your niche.
  6. Optimize Video Titles, Descriptions, and Tags: Apply best practices for video SEO to improve your videos’ discoverability on YouTube.
  7. Implement Annotations or Cards for Call-to-Action: Utilize interactive elements within your videos to encourage user engagement and drive actions.
  8. Create a Content Calendar Based on Analysis: Develop a content calendar that leverages insights from your analysis to create videos that resonate.
  9. Track Growth in Subscribers and Engagement: Monitor your subscriber count and engagement metrics over time to gauge the effectiveness of your strategies.

Project 5: Social Media Ad Campaigns

Social media is one of the most apt spaces for branding activities. Plenty of digital marketing efforts go toward social media to run ads, capture leads, create brand awareness, and expand operations. Thus, running ads on social media will require the best combination of strategy, content, and graphics. With good execution, any digital marketer can extract profits with the help of social media.

Building a social media ad campaign project introduces you to the world of paid social media advertising. You’ll plan, design, and execute targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. These platforms have separate analytics sections, which would further help you analyze the results of your campaign. 

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Developing an Ad Campaign Strategy to execute ad campaigns as per goals.

b. Ad Copywriting and Design to attract customers

c. Audience Targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

d. Analytics and reports to measure the KPIs and ROIs  

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Choose a Social Media Platform: Select a platform that aligns with your target audience and campaign goals.
  2. Define Campaign Goals: Determine the objective of your campaign, whether it’s brand awareness, lead generation, or website traffic.
  3. Identify Your Target Audience: Define your target audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points to ensure your ads resonate.
  4. Create Engaging Ad Creatives and Compelling Ad Copy: Design visually appealing ad creatives and write ad copy that compels users to take action.
  5. Set a Budget and Allot Funds: Determine your advertising budget and allocate funds to different ad campaigns and audience segments.
  6. Monitor Ad Performance in Real-Time: Keep a close eye on your ad campaigns’ performance metrics, including impressions, clicks, and conversions.
  7. Optimize Campaigns Based on Click-Through Rates (CTR) and Conversions: Adjust underperforming campaigns or tweak ad creatives to improve CTR and conversions.
  8. A/B Test Different Ad Variations: Experiment with different ad visuals, copy, and call-to-actions to identify the most effective combinations.
  9. Analyze the Impact of the Campaign on Your Chosen Metric: Measure the campaign’s success by evaluating its impact on your chosen metric, such as lead generation or brand awareness.

Also read: Top Skills Required to Become a Digital Marketer

Project 6: PPC Marketing Strategies

PPC means Pay-per-click, which is largely governed by the traffic on your website. To make a profit out of PPC, digital marketers have to ensure a fully optimized website combined with stringent marketing efforts to drive more traffic. 

Making a PPC Project immerses you in the world of PPC advertising, where you’ll develop and manage campaigns using platforms like Google Ads.

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Keyword research and selection for the target audience as per campaign goals.

b. Ad Positioning and Bidding to secure a favorable position in search results.

c. Ad Rank Optimization strategy to improve the ad’s quality score and ad rank.

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Choose a PPC Platform: Decide on the PPC platform that best suits your campaign objectives, whether it’s Google Ads, Bing Ads, or others.
  2. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research: Identify a comprehensive list of keywords that your target audience is likely to search for.
  3. Design Compelling Ad Copy with Relevant Keywords: Craft engaging ad copy that incorporates your chosen keywords and resonates with users.
  4. Set Bidding Strategies Based on Your Budget and Goals: Determine your bidding strategy, whether it’s manual bidding, automated bidding, or a combination.
  5. Monitor Click-Through Rates and Conversions: Keep track of key metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates to assess campaign performance.
  6. Adjust Bids and Ad Positions for Optimal Ad Rank: Fine-tune your bidding strategy to achieve the desired ad positions and improve your ad’s visibility.
  7. Utilize Ad Extensions for Enhanced Visibility: Take advantage of ad extensions to provide users with additional information and enhance your ad’s visibility.
  8. Refine Ad Targeting Based on Data Analysis: Analyze user behavior data to refine your ad targeting and reach the most relevant audience.
  9. Evaluate the ROI of Your PPC Campaign: Assess the return on investment (ROI) of your campaign by comparing the cost of advertising with the revenue generated.

Learn the basics of digital marketing online in your own language.

Project 7: Email Campaign

Emails are one of the most effective channels through which digital marketers target leads. An effective email campaign will ensure a loyal customer base, which pays off in both the short and long term. Emails are used to procure leads, drive traffic, convert prospects into customers, and nurture them without exceptional costs or efforts. Emails can be sent for various reasons and different forms like newsletters, invites, notifications, announcements, forms, feedback, etc. 

Building an email marketing campaign will introduce budding digital marketers to the realm of email marketing, where you’ll learn to design and execute a compelling email campaign for a target audience while combining engaging content and a well-planned strategy. 

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Email Copywriting and Design to enhance open rates.

b. Segmentation and Personalization of emails for maximum impact.

c. Email Automation to streamline your campaign efforts.

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Define the Goal of Your Email Campaign: Determine the objective of your campaign, whether it’s promoting a new product, sharing valuable content, or re-engaging dormant subscribers.
  2. Segment Your Email List: Divide your email list into segments based on factors like demographics, behaviors, and past interactions.
  3. Craft Compelling Email Subject Lines and Content: Write subject lines that grab attention and create email content that resonates with your audience’s interests.
  4. Design Responsive and Visually Appealing Email Templates: Create visually appealing email templates that are responsive and render well across different devices.
  5. Set Up Automated Email Sequences: Implement automated email sequences that deliver a series of messages over a defined period, nurturing subscribers and guiding them through the customer journey.
  6. Monitor Open Rates, Click Rates, and Conversions: Keep track of key email metrics to assess the effectiveness of your campaign and identify areas for improvement.
  7. A/B Test Different Elements for Optimization: Experiment with different subject lines, content, and call to action to identify the most effective combinations.
  8. Analyze Engagement, Open Rates, and Conversion Rates: Evaluate how engaged your subscribers are with your campaign and measure the conversion rates of your calls-to-action.
  9. Fine-Tune Future Email Campaigns Based on Insights: Use the insights gathered from your campaign to refine your future email marketing strategies and improve results.

Project 8: Remarketing Campaign

Many times, we are able to acquire leads but can’t get them to convert or make the purchase. In that case, digital marketers need to run a remarketing campaign to retarget the leads and compel them to take action by providing value or a benefit. This remarketing campaign can be launched to target cart abandonment, gain back users lost due to service issues, improve the campaign to get customers on board, etc. 

A remarketing campaign project helps you learn and execute a powerful strategy that enables you to re-engage potential customers who have interacted with your brand before. 

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Audience Segmentation to deliver relevant messages that resonate with their interests.

b. Ad Retargeting Strategies that effectively remind and entice users to return to your site.

c. Conversion Rate Optimization to optimize your landing pages and CTAs for better conversion rates

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Identify the Audience Segment: Determine which audience segment you want to target with your remarketing campaign.
  2. Set Up Tracking Pixels on Your Website: Implement tracking pixels on your website to capture user behavior and interactions.
  3. Create Compelling Ads: Design eye-catching ads that remind users of their previous interactions with your brand and encourage them to take action.
  4. Define the Duration for Remarketing: Choose how long you want to retarget users after their initial interaction with your brand.
  5. Monitor Ad Performance: Keep a close watch on your remarketing ads’ performance metrics, including impressions, clicks, and conversions.
  6. Adjust Ad Frequency: Prevent ad fatigue by optimizing the frequency at which users see your remarketing ads.
  7. Test Different Ad Formats and Messages: Experiment with various ad formats and messages to determine which resonates most effectively with your audience.
  8. Analyze the Impact on Conversion Rates: Measure how your remarketing campaign influences user behavior and impacts conversion rates.
  9. Optimize Your Campaign Based on Results: Use insights from your campaign to refine your remarketing strategy and achieve better results.

Project 9: Video Marketing Campaign

Video Marketing Campaign

Reels, Shorts, and other video content on various social media platforms are the new craze and gain crazy engagement if used correctly. Brands and businesses are eager to explore the power of video marketing, which has created a demand for digital marketers who can leverage the power of video to skyrocket their brand awareness and profits. 

Creating a video marketing project will help you explore the realm of video marketing, where you’ll create and execute a strategic video campaign to engage your target audience on various platforms by serving the right video content.

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Video Production and Editing to produce, edit, and polish engaging video content.

b. Storytelling Through Video that resonates with your audience and drives engagement.

c. Video Optimization for SEO to increase search engine discoverability.

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Choose a Video Platform: Select a platform such as YouTube, Vimeo, or social media channels that align with your target audience.
  2. Develop a Compelling Video Concept and Script: Craft a video concept that aligns with your campaign objectives and create a script that guides the video’s narrative.
  3. Shoot and Edit the Video: Record the video footage and edit it to create a visually appealing and cohesive final product.
  4. Optimize Video Titles, Descriptions, and Tags: Apply video SEO techniques to optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags for improved discoverability.
  5. Share the Video Across Relevant Platforms: Promote your video across various platforms to increase its reach and engagement.
  6. Monitor Engagement Metrics: Track engagement metrics like views, likes, shares, and comments to gauge the video’s performance.
  7. Analyze Audience Feedback: Pay attention to audience feedback and comments to understand how your video resonates with viewers.
  8. Utilize Video Analytics: Explore video analytics to gain insights into viewer behavior, including watch time and audience retention.
  9. Measure the Impact on Marketing Goals: Evaluate the video’s impact on your marketing objectives, whether it’s brand awareness, lead generation, or conversions.

Project 10: All-Round Marketing Campaign for a Demo Product

If you have developed other digital marketing projects successfully and garnered success, it’s time to bring all your skills together to create an all-round marketing strategy for a particular product or service. This project will be a major milestone for your digital marketing journey, as it will help you utilize all the digital marketing skills you have learned through the above projects. 

If you wish to work as a high-paying freelance digital marketing expert or if you wish to bag your first job in digital marketing, this is one project that you must have in your portfolio. 

For this project, you will need to design and execute a comprehensive marketing campaign for a demo product, integrating various digital marketing strategies like SEO, content, social media, paid campaigns, various analytics platforms, etc.

Skills Used and Displayed:

a. Integrated Marketing Strategy to seamlessly integrate multiple marketing channels for maximum impact.

b. Multichannel Campaign Execution across various channels, such as social media, email, and content marketing.

c. Performance Analysis and Optimization based on real-time data insights.

d. SEO strategy building and applying for increased website traffic.

e. Content marketing to attract users.

f. Email marketing to target and nurture leads.

g. Social media marketing to grab more users and engage potential leads through targeted ads.

i. Video and graphics development to make visually appealing and engaging marketing content.

j. Paid ads and PPC strategy to implement ads on the web and attract more users

How to Complete the Project:

  1. Select a Demo Product: Choose a product that aligns with your campaign objectives and target audience.
  2. Identify Target Audience Demographics and Preferences: Define your target audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points to tailor your campaign effectively.
  3. Create an Integrated Marketing Plan: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that encompasses various channels, including social media, email marketing, content marketing, and more.
  4. Develop Compelling Content for Each Channel: Craft engaging content, such as blog posts, social media posts, videos, and emails, that aligns with your campaign theme.
  5. Execute the Campaign Across Different Platforms: Implement your campaign strategies across various platforms, ensuring a consistent and cohesive message.
  6. Monitor Performance Metrics for Each Channel: Keep track of key performance metrics for each channel, such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions.
  7. Analyze the Campaign’s Impact on Brand Awareness and Engagement: Evaluate how the campaign has impacted brand awareness, engagement, and interaction with the target audience.
  8. Optimize the Campaign Based on Insights: Utilize insights gained from performance analysis to optimize your campaign strategies for better results.
  9. Measure Conversions and ROI from the Campaign: Assess the campaign’s overall success by measuring conversions and return on investment (ROI).

To Conclude 

Now that you know some of the best digital marketing projects that you can do as a beginner or aspiring digital marketer, you must understand that it takes the practical application of these digital marketing skills to bring your A-game to the profession. 

If you have the resources to create and execute these projects on your own, fantastic! If not, you can always take up an internship at a product/website company or network with fellow digital marketers to get the practical exposure and hands-on learning experience you need. 

Each project mentioned here serves as a stepping stone that propels you toward digital marketing excellence. They equip you with essential skills and instill a sense of confidence as you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. Creativity and experimentation are the soul of digital marketing. Building projects and honing new, upgraded skills is what will keep you going on this exciting journey of transitioning into a pro digital marketer. 

Jumpstart your digital marketing career with excellent hands-on digital marketing projects, expert guidance, global certification, and placement assistance. Check out GUVI’s Professional Digital Marketing Zen Class.


Why Are Hands-on Projects Essential for Learning Digital Marketing?

Hands-on projects bridge the gap between theory and application, enabling you to apply concepts in real-world scenarios. They cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills crucial for success in the digital marketing landscape.

How to Choose the Right Project as per skill level?

Start with projects that align with your current skill level and gradually progress to more complex ones. Striking a balance between challenge and attainability will maximize your learning experience.

Digital marketing projects for beginners could include implementing basic ad campaigns, writing content pieces, setting up platforms, etc. More advanced digital marketing projects could include detailed strategies to market and establish a product or business through multiple channels.

What is analytics important for Digital Marketing Projects?

Analytics provide actionable insights that guide your strategies. By analyzing data, you can measure success, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions that drive better results.


What are some of the best digital marketing projects?

Some of the best digital marketing projects are:

1. Facebook ads project
2. Website analysis project
3. YouTube channel strategy project
4. Google analytics project
5. Blogging website project
6. Google Ad campaign project

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  1. Project 1: Detailed SEO Audit of a Website
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Do the “Detailed SEO Analysis of a Website” Project
  2. Project 2: Content Marketing Project
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  3. Project 3: Google Analytics Project
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  4. Project 4: Youtube Analytics Project
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  5. Project 5: Social Media Ad Campaigns
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  6. Project 6: PPC Marketing Strategies
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  7. Project 7: Email Campaign
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  8. Project 8: Remarketing Campaign
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  9. Project 9: Video Marketing Campaign
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
  10. Project 10: All-Round Marketing Campaign for a Demo Product
    • Skills Used and Displayed:
    • How to Complete the Project:
    • Why Are Hands-on Projects Essential for Learning Digital Marketing?
    • How to Choose the Right Project as per skill level?
    • What is analytics important for Digital Marketing Projects?
    • What are some of the best digital marketing projects?