Refer & Earn Great Rewards.
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It’s a win-win season. Refer GUVI Free industry accredited courses to your friends & family to win exciting rewards. Earn referral points upon each verified sign-up & redeem points later to claim your prize.
More Signups = Bigger Rewards!
How does it work?

How can Everybody Win Rewards?

How will I win Rewards upon Referral?
Refer our FREE Atomic Courses to your friends, & when they sign-up to GUVI for enrolling their favorite atomic course, then Your referral sign-up count increases. You’d win multiple amazing gifts like Amazon Gift Vouchers, Discount coupons & GUVI premium passes based on your referral sign-up count.
How does this benefit my Friends?
Your friends can sign-up to GUVI & Unlock their favorite Industry-accredited Courses on GUVI for Free. These are the Atomic library courses, which are accredited by well-reputed establishments like IIT-Madras & UiPath.

Celebrate the Rewards together with Friends
Now you’d win Amazon Gift Vouchers, GUVI Premium Passes & more based on your referral sign-up count. While your friends Win the Best Industry-accredited Courses for Free. Isn’t this referral program a Win-Win solution for all?
How can Everybody Win Rewards?
1 Free Sign-up = 1 Verified Referral
More Verified Referrals = Multiple Rewards
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